
Originally discovered as a yellow to greenish-gray powder or crystalline substance, phenothiazine's solubility in benzene, ether, and hot acetic acid, along with its insolubility in water and petroleum ether, piqued the interest of researchers. Awooddeeda lagu joojiyo monomers vinyl ayaa waddada u xaartay isticmaalkeeda baahsan ee soo saarista acrylic acid, acrylic esters, methyl methacrylate, iyo vinyl acetate. This application has not only streamlined manufacturing processes but also enhanced product quality.

Despite its remarkable utility, phenothiazine is not without challenges. Prolonged storage leads to color darkening and susceptibility to oxidation, emphasizing the need for proper handling and storage protocols. Intaa waxaa dheer, sifooyinkeeda sublimation iyo xanaaqa maqaarka ee suurtagalka ah waxay muujinayaan muhiimada taxadarka badbaadada ee wax ka qabashada iyo hababka wax soo saarka.

In conclusion, phenothiazine's multifaceted properties make it a valuable asset across industries. From enhancing drug efficacy to protecting agricultural yields, its contributions are undeniable. Iyadoo cilmi-baaristu ay sii waddo soo saarista codsiyada cusub iyo sifaynta hababka jira, doorka phenothiazine ee qaabaynta qaybaha kala duwan ee dhaqaalaha ayaa lagu wadaa inay sii jirto.





Waqtiga boostada: Abriil-16-2024